AutoLinea Engine Aluminium Case 90.5 - 92 mm Cylinders
Stronger than the original design this Auto Linea Aluminium Super race crank case features
Pre cut and finished for 90.5/92mm piston and liners, no machining required.
Dual-relief oil pressure galleries, oil pick up pipes included
8mm and 10mm case savers for head studs
Compatible for beetle, karmann, split or bay window
T1/T2 dipstick tube
Facility for full flow, but supplied fitted with blanking plug
Facility for type 3 oil filler hole
Filled in behind number 3 cylinder with aluminium to improve strength in this area
Raised roof design to accept longer stroke cranks. If you wish to build stroker, please check your specific application prior to purchase
Centre main bearing stud holes shuffle pinned to prevent movement
Additional note, some trimming will be required to correctly fit tinware