As the weather starts to take a turn for the worse here in the UK, it's probably a good idea to take a look over your VW and make sure it's ready for driving in the wet and wintry conditions we can expect for the next few months.
To help make the task a bit less daunting, we've put together a whole suite of useful products to make driving in the autumn and winter safer, easier and more comfortable, which can totally transform how your classic or modern Volkswagen copes with the unpredictable weather which is just around the corner.
JK's Top Ten Jobs to Get Your VW Ready for Autumn and Winter Weather
Check and Upgrade Your Lights
With the night's getting longer and the mornings being darker, now is a great time to take a look at the lights on your Volkswagen. Are all the bulbs still working? Have you got spares stashed away in your glovebox? Are they bright enough for you to see and be seen in fog or heavy rain?
If you find you need spare bulbs, or want to upgrade the lights on your VW, then you're in the right place – Just Kampers has a huge range of lights, bulbs, and lighting accessories, ready to ship from our warehouse here in Odiham, Hampshire.
Take a Look At Your Wipers
It's a good idea to make sure that your VW's wipers are in good working order before you really need them, so give the wiper arms and blades a proper check before they start working overtime!
It's easy to spot worn or perished wiper blades, and just as easy to swap them out for new ones, so spend five minutes looking yours over so you can stay safe during the autumn and winter.
Service or Upgrade Your Brakes
Puddles, wet leaves, ice, mud, snow - autumn and winter here in the UK is full of conditions and hazards which can increase your stopping distances, so before the bad weather sets in for the next few months, it's a good idea to make sure that your brakes are in top condition with a proper service.
If you're keeping your classic VW on the road through the winter (good on you!) then it's worth looking at a brake upgrade kit, to help ensure your Volkswagen is stopping in good time!